ISO 6892-1 test standard is commonly used for Ambient Temperature Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials. Uses similar applications with EN10002-1. ISO 6892-1 has two alternative test procedures; ISO 6892:2016 Method A strain controlled tensile test and ISO 6892:2016 Method B stress controlled tensile test. This test standard aims calculations of Rm, Agt, Ag, At, A, yield point, tensile strength, modulus of elasticy values of the metalic specimens. It is important to determine the ultimate tensile strength of metallic specimens which can be done by test machines. Test machine load measurement must be calibrated according to ISO 7500-1. This test standard is a method of test performed at room temperature.
Retrofitmach has two important roles to make customer’s existing machine suitable for ISO 6892-1 metallic material tensile tests.
Retrofitmach produce hydraulic wedge grips for ISO 6892-1, pneumatic tensile grips for ISO 6892-1, mechanic grips for ISO 6892-1 etc.
One of the ISO 6892-1 tensile test requirements is extensometer for elongation measurement. Retrofitmach offers different types of extensometers to measure metallic test specimens.
Retrofitmach supplies:
Clip-on extensometers for ISO 6892-1 tensile test elongation measurement,
Automatic extensometers for ISO 6892-1 tensile test elongation measurement,
Video extensometers for ISO 6892-1 tensile test elongation measurement,
Laser extensometers for ISO 6892-1 tensile test elongation measurement.
Environmental chambers provide wide temperature range testing solutions for measuring material properties under high temperature and low temperature conditions.
Flexural Bend Test Fixtures
Retrofitmach Test Benches
ASTM Test Fixtures for composites, biomechanical tests, adhesive tests, peeling tests etc.
Retrofitmach integrate the all type of extensometers to customer's existing machines.
Retrofitmach offers high temperature test furnaces for high temperature mechanical testing applications; ISO 6892-2, ASTM E139, ASTM D2990 etc.
Retrofitmach produces many kinds of test fixtures depending on customer requirements.
Induction Systems for Test Machines
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