Hydraulic Testing Machine Retrofits

Hydraulic Testing Machine Retrofits



Modernisation and maintaining the value of material testers with hydraulic drives.

Testers with hydraulic cylinders are retrofitting and modernising by Retrofitmach. We deliver the complete system: starting with the transducer excitation and the signal conversion up to the digital drive control, in the appropriate mode.

Besides the valve amplifier we also deliver the respective hydraulic valve, continently a new hydraulic aggregate remote control, PCs for the measured value display, software for graphical analyses and data acquisition.

The EDCi series were developed for controlling static as well as dynamic testing instruments. It is available with keyboard and diplay screen optionally. Eight general purpose I4-Bus-Extension-Slots are "on board".   

  • Interface and control processor Vortex 86DX CPU 800MHz
  • Control frequency 2.5 kHz or 10 kHz.
  • RS485-Interface for external keyboard/display, supports a maximum of four devices
  • Drive Interface ±10V (16Bit) analogoue command output, 
    digital command output and safety functions
  • PC-communication via USB or Ethernet
  • Eight I4-Bus-Extension-Slots
  • Internal female plug for serial sensors (COM 1)
  • Internal female plug for debug (COM 2)
  • Internal female plug for synchronising several EDCs
  • Internal female plug for servo valve amplifier, 160 and 320 Watt DC-drive amplifier



The Intelligent Solution for User Test Applications

A test software should be able to:

1. Display everything I want to

2. Evaluate everything I need to

3. Give everything out the way I like it

DOLI combined these tasks in the Test&Motion PlusSoftware. Different informations are shown in different windows at the same time.

Test&Motion Plus was developed in a modular design. It consists of the basic software containing a simple but adaptable tension/compression test and different modules for almost all kinds of testing applications. The special module Free Programming offers the possibility to design tests individually.

All sorts of signal sources can be displayed. Load, position and strain are standards, moreover, other transducers or calculated results can also be displayed.

Variables are shown as a curve in X- or Y-direction or listed digitally. Furtheron, users have the possibility to: change the names of the variables (e.g. load or F), zoom in on the graphic several times and store remarks within the graphic. If a bigger view of the curve is needed, the graphic window can be drawn up to screen size. Due to the organization in single window, user does have the possibility to move important values to a specific point where user can still see them. T&M is able to process several EDCis in a multiaxial manner. EDCis can be cascaded and - what is even more important - synchronized, resulting in an absolute identical signals for all channels. T&M can communicate with several EDCis at the same time.

  •  Possible X- and Y-axis quantities: load, stress, X-head travel, strain, technical strain, time (from test start), true strain, nominal strain, time and defined signal input Determination of five values on the X- or Y-axis, maximum, breach as X- and Y-value. Corresponding determination of values for compression tests.
  • Statistic functions: mean value, min/max value, range, median, standard deviation, practical limit of error, aso.
  • Display of all the data sent by the instrument: load, X-head travel, strain and defined signal input.
Environmental Chambers

Environmental chambers provide wide temperature range testing solutions for measuring material properties under high temperature and low temperature conditions.

ASTM Test Fixtures

ASTM Test Fixtures for composites, biomechanical tests, adhesive tests, peeling tests etc.

Composite Test Fixtures

Flexural Bend Test Fixtures


Retrofitmach integrate the all type of extensometers to customer's existing machines.

Induction Systems for Test Machines

Induction Systems for Test Machines

High Temperature Test Furnaces

Retrofitmach offers high temperature test furnaces for high temperature mechanical testing applications; ISO 6892-2, ASTM E139, ASTM D2990 etc.

Test Benches

Retrofitmach Test Benches

Grips And Test Fixtures

Retrofitmach produces many kinds of test fixtures depending on customer requirements.