DIN EN ISO 14126 Test Fixtures

DIN EN ISO 14126 Test Fixtures



ASTM D3410 test procedure identifies the pressing assets in the surface of alloy substances with polymer pattern strengthened with high module fibres.

The alloy substance forms are restricted to continuous or discontinuous fibre-sternghtened alloys. Therefore, the elastic assets are especially orthotropic compared to the ASTM D3410 test direction.

ASTM D3410 test method lays in to the pressing power in the pattern by trimming the wedge socket interfaces.

ASTM D3410 test procedure is practicable to alloys manufactured from simplex tape, fabric, fibres, wet-tow instalment, and parallel output versions.

Assets could be acquired from ASTM D3410 test method contain;

  • Conclusive pressurised force
  • Conclusive pressurised tensile
  • Pressurised module of elasticity
  • Conversion tensile

DIN EN ISO 14126 test method draws procedures for specification the pressurised assets of fibre-strenghtened plastic alloys in straight aspect.

There are two procedures specified in DIN EN ISO 14126 test standard which uses shear loading of the samples, and loading or mixed loading of the samples. In that way, these procedures need particular gripping fixtures.


Retrofitmach designs and produces DIN EN ISO 14126 test fixtures according to required sample sizes and test needs with competitive price, high quality and fast delivery principles.

For more information about Retrofitmach Test Fixtures, Contact Us.

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