Composite Test Fixtures Design and Production

Composite Test Fixtures Design and Production

Composite Test Fixtures


The importance of composite materials is increasing day by day in the developing world conditions. There are many different kinds of composite types that are used commonly in the industry and they all must be tested both as material and as product. Reinforced composite tests, engineered composites tests, ceramic matrix composites tests, polymer matrix composites tests, honeycomb composites tests, metal matrix composites tests, fiber reinforced plastic composites tests, composite laminates tests are common composite tests nowadays.


With the increase in the number of the areas where composite materials are used, the requirement of composite material tests has increased too. These test types are usually as follows:


Torsion Tests for Composites, Composite Tensile Test, Climbing Drum Peel Tests, Fracture Toughness Test, Fatigue Test for Composites , Stress Strain Image Correlation Test, Composites Fastener Test, Pull-Through Test Composites, Composite Shear Test, 3 and 4 Point Flexural Bend Test Composites, Composite Bearing Response Test, Plastics Composites Compression Tests, Composite Materials Open-Hole Strength Tests, 45 Degree Tension Test of In-Plane Shear Modulus and Strength, Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength by Short-Beam Tests etc.

All of these tests are commonly applied using specially designed grips and fixtures.

These custom designed fixtures aid in the proper alignment of test samples, help ensure failure in the specific mode being tested, and prevent load application which could damage the composite microstructure and adversely impact test results.

Retrofitmach offers lots of grip and fixture options, to perform composit tests.

Retrofitmach offers composite test fixtures for using not only for ambient temperatures, but also high and low temperature applications.

These test fixtures could be used for automotive tests, aerospace components tests, biomedical material tests etc.


Lots of ASTM and ISO have developed standard test methods for testing composite materials. Some of composite tests standards that Retrofitmach produces custom fixures are following:

ASTM C1499, ASTM C393, ASTM D2343, ASTM D3039, ASTM D3479 , ASTM D3518, ASTM D4255, ASTM D5379, ASTM D5961, ASTM D6272, ASTM D6415, ASTM D6416, ASTM D7137, ASTM D7205, ASTM D7264, ASTM D7332, ISO 15024, ISO 15490

Composite Test Fixtures

Flexural Bend Test Fixtures

ASTM Test Fixtures

ASTM Test Fixtures for composites, biomechanical tests, adhesive tests, peeling tests etc.

Test Benches

Retrofitmach Test Benches

Induction Systems for Test Machines

Induction Systems for Test Machines

Grips And Test Fixtures

Retrofitmach produces many kinds of test fixtures depending on customer requirements.

Environmental Chambers

Environmental chambers provide wide temperature range testing solutions for measuring material properties under high temperature and low temperature conditions.

High Temperature Test Furnaces

Retrofitmach offers high temperature test furnaces for high temperature mechanical testing applications; ISO 6892-2, ASTM E139, ASTM D2990 etc.


Retrofitmach integrate the all type of extensometers to customer's existing machines.